Sunday, December 12, 2004

How much do you know about yourself if you have never been in a fight?

How true this line by tyler durden would be, I did not realize when I first saw Fight Club. When I came to study at USC, little did I realize that its motto for the trojan : Fight On. , would be so apt as to mirror my life.

Looking upon life now, I have realized that it always offers you a binary tree at any moment when you feel that you are stuck. The root of the tree is instantiated since you are born. You just dont realize it, or take time to realize it at a later stage in life. The end of the binary tree stops on a leaf node, after which its back to square one, the root, if you believe in theory of Gita, or luckier still, in the pool of the system where Krishna resides, the system where the algorithms, arcane to men, have been running since even time did not exist.

One branch is the easy way out. The other is the perilous way. The former always seems to be the only option. But if you realize, as I have, failure is not the only option. I strongly urge people, who give up, and blame life or even God sometimes, to relax, and think, and realize that its just an algorithm, you cannot simply fail unless you want to.

The algorithm has a lot of dynamic late binding to it. Almost nothing is compile time, except for the family, the country, the time you are born in. Rest everything is run time. You instantiate the objects, and God invokes methods upon it. The base class already exists, from which we inherit and then the "strong" man defines and declares his own functions to override the virtual functions defined in the base class.

Now, if you dont do this, and go the run of the mill approach of already using the virtual functions in the base class, or you instantiate a weak object, and expect God to get you out of all your miseries, you are mistaken. God has given you a lot of polymorphism, it's upto you to make good use of this powerful facility. Only at run-time, it's decided what method to invoke. You already have an interface. You have the full power to make objects as you want. You have the power to override all virtual methods. You are so powerful, please realize that.

People who have realized this, find no fun anymore in this code, and God invites them to his abode, where they can help him design future algorithms and data strucutres or better the existing ones. There is nothing like, "oh, I am so unlucky", "why does this always happen to me", "God does not like me", "I am poor" and so on. You have been given all the choices. Be Arjuna, and Krishna too, guide yourself when you are weak, and guide the weak when you are strong.

There have been many times in my life, when I felt that, I should give up arms. I should lie down in the lap of my mother, and hide from the world. But somehow, something, some desire in me, coaxed me to fight. This warrior resides in all of us. Dont supress Him. Let him out.

As long as my mind is with me, I know that I will always have a choice. I can never lose. There is always a choice to fight. To work hard. To repair your follies, if can be, or if not, to go ahead after learning from the past. And at times, I feel that there are people who trust me, they have seen this in me. People like Dr. Michael Crowley, Daniel Kegel, Dr. Bharat Thakkar. Sometimes I have realized that my parents have had this glimpse, my grandfather too. Some of them trust me like Morpheus did for Neo. Slowly and surely, like Neo, I have begun to believe. When I felt life has come to a standstill, these people, somehow emerged from nowhere, and guided me, as if Krishna himself sent his agents.

Sometimes, in the haze of this hustle bustle of life, I feel I can see the green matrix code. I look up there, and see Krishna smiling with his huge, wonderful, loving, beautiful eyes. He calls out to me:

"Son, you are me, you all are one of me. Don't lose heart, perform your karma. Be a warrior. Fight."

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